
Setting up Monitors

Select the Project, Model, and Model Version you want to work on to enter the Monitoring dashboard. Click on + Add Monitor on the top right corner of the Monitors tab.
You will enter the Add Monitor screen and will be able to see the Create Monitor section

Create Monitor

Click on the Drift tab under Monitor Type and select a drift type from the available options:
  • Data Drift
  • Concept Drift
As an example, let's proceed with the Concept Drift monitor. Select the feature (say, "age") on which you want to set the Concept Drift monitor and click Continue

Configure Data Segment

You will be led to the Configure Monitor screen. If you wish to set up a new data segment, click on the New Segment tab.
  • Name the new data segment
  • Select the feature(s) for the limiting values or the segment boundaries
  • Enter the condition and the limiting values
  • Check the Use this segment box and click Apply Filters
If you wish to use an existing data segment, click on the Existing Segment tab and click on the required data segment.

Configure Threshold

Select the desired feature under the Threshold section and set the threshold condition. Enter the threshold value. Then select the type of value (percentage or absolute) and click Continue.

Customize Alerts

The Alerts section will open up. Assign a severity (low, medium, high) to the monitor. Add the email or slack IDs of the teammates you want to notify in case of violations. Name the monitor and Launch!